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Happy Easter

Dear Ones, we hope this Easter finds you well and enjoying the sunshine! This blessed time of celebrating new life, regeneration and resurrection is especially poignant after the period of relative isolation we have been through.

Many have been in a process of reflecting on whether they want to go back to their old life now lockdown’s end is in sight, or if they can recreate their lives more in alignment with their unique Interests and gifts. As a wayshower, I can tell you that my experiences of leaping from a life that no longer fitted well for me into a flow with the abundance and benevolence of Source, has been nothing short of miraculous and perfect.

It started with a ‘Tower’ moment, with the shock of my ex-husband’s surprise ending of our 11 year marriage. When the old crumbles it can be so painful and confusing. But this can give opportunities for deeper than ever healing. Any energy of the old paradigm of suffering is brought to the light in these manifestations, and with the loving support of friends and family, embodied and etheric, we can let go of old stories, beliefs, wounds and soul scars to return to the Light of our deepest, most beautiful Truth.

Following my intuition a year later led me to meet Michiel and if I hadn’t followed my heart to go travelling with him, by taking a sabbatical from my job as a clinical psychologist, I might have never finished the Lemurian Oracle deck I had started creating and he may not have finished his Pleiadian oracle deck.

If I was still working in the ‘safety’ of a secure job in the NHS when I had a subarachnoid haemorrhage in May 2019, I’d have been left with no income after their (generous) sick pay of 6 months full pay and 6 months half pay ran out. I might have struggled back to work then with severe neurofatigue, but to be honest it would have been impossible, as many days I am still too physically exhausted to do anything.

So I feel so enormously grateful that I always stayed close to my heart, trusted my guidance and followed my joy, because as a result I’ve been abundantly cared and provided for by this flow of pure Love that I am part of.

I feel this flow so strongly in the Spring with life emerging so beautifully and abundantly and have created an Egg-citing 😅 new product to celebrate, which will be the first of many I feel. It’s an Easter themed digital design resource for use with procreate, an art creation app on the iPad. It comes with a commercial licence that covers making art to sell with the resources.

I priced it at £3.33, but for our newsletter subscribers and blog readers, it’s only £1 with code EASTERCARDS21 and for that you get:

  1. Easter Hare brush stamp, in a Lino-cut style

  2. Easter bunny brush stamp, in a Lino-cut style

  3. Egg shape stamp

  4. Easter Mandala to print off or use in procreate to colour in

  5. ‘Bloom’ seamless pattern brush

  6. ’Rolling Waves’ seamless pattern brush

  7. ‘Blossom’ brush

  8. Metallic Foil texture brush

  9. Rabbit tracks brush

  10. Easter Colour Palette

It all comes in a zip file you can download instantly, unzip in iCloud, and click on to open in procreate. There’s a little info graphic to help if you need it too.

I hope you enjoy it and have fun creating your Easter posts and e-cards! Please tag us if you do.

With much Love and Easter blessings, Leanne and Michiel xxx

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Unknown member
Apr 16, 2021

When will the lemurian starchild cards be back in stock on amazon? I see they are out of stock.

Unknown member
Apr 16, 2021
Replying to

Hi Lola, they should be available there soon, and also direct from within the USA via our website soon too. Thanks for your interest, Many blessings, Leanne and Michiel


Thank you for your Presence

Sell our Oracle Deck

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All Text & Art © Michiel kroon & Leanne Ta'iki Anawa, Glastonbury, UK

ISBN: 9781916029200 (box set) / 9781916029217 (e-book)

Please note:

1. 'Healing' is defined as a realization of your Inner Wholeness.

2. The information, products and services on this website do not replace medical care or medical treatment.

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