Receive activations and words of inspiration from each artwork in the Glastonbury Elven Portal Exhibition! We are exploring the energies of Quan Yin, Morgan le Fey and Elven energies with words and Light Language. The artwork comes out of deep journeys and inspirations from Leanne. We also look at Abundance, White Phoenix, Elders and Expression (with lots of dolphins) which is art from the Lemurian Starchild Oracle by Leanne and me The squiggly light language lines are usually mine :-) And there are is even more artwork that we explore in this video. Come and experience our exhibition in this video. #lemurianstarchild #pleiades #dolphins #art #kingarthur #excalibur #ascension #raiseyourvibration #home #starseeds #lightlanguage
Love and Blessings from both of us