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Description: Cosmic Heart Source, an invitation to share from Source Consciousness - 6 minute channeled transmission from Archangel Michael

Rising to the Pleiadian Frequencies:  An audio meditation with Pleiadian Beings of Light with selected parts from a Pleiadian Healing Workshop.

Arise card

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Description: the Arise attunement helps you to connect to your heart through guided words and brings in Lemurian Light Language.

Description: this lovely audio meditation by Leanne guides you to receive the healing energy from the Sun. Connect with your higher self to integrate these healing codes in your physical body. Find rest and self-love with this insightful meditation.

14 minutes of guided meditation and 3 minutes of relaxation at the end.

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Breathe the Sun card
Surrender card

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Description: the Surrender meditation takes you to a cleansing waterfall of Lemurian Light Language. This Earth Temple allows for physical relaxation, emotional healing and mental clarity and is a portal to the Lemurian dimension, and to receive sacred codes in the language of light.

The Divine Mother audio meditation and art download takes you deep into the loving embrace of the Divine Mother, where you can rest, feel safe and open to your dreams.

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Divine Cosmic Mother Womb card
Sirian Emissaries card

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The Sirians audio meditation (15 minutes) and art download gives you a message from the Sirian Emissaries. This transmission takes you to Sirius and brings in a space to connect to your star family and integrate golden codes of the Christ Consciousness guided by the ascended master Sananda. If you like our Sirian Emissaries video then you will also like this meditation.

An audio adventure!

The Ether & Matter audio meditation  weaves the physical and etheric dimensions so that you can connect to your Inner Child, and manifest abundance freely.

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Ether and Matter card
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