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Free 30 Minute Audio-Visual Transmission: ‘Being the Bridge’

Joyfully offering you a free Divine transmission especially for those who recognise they themselves are or were, or are parenting an ‘Indigo’.

Indigos, the activists and rebel dreamers, see clearly what needs to change in Society, and as such, they feel like they don’t fit in. They know that they’re here to make things better and have so much to offer society, with their clear, visionary seeing.

Often however the Indigo child will have difficulty feeling heard, and can end up feeling powerless to make a difference. Their energies are frequently then channelled into fighting the system - through activism, protests, and subculture creation… unfortunately this approach can lead to divisions, conflicts, polarisation and alienation. Wins can come at a great cost, energetically, emotionally and spiritually if the focus is always on the problems.

This powerful transmission helps us Indigos to move beyond old paradigm limiting avenues of change, by guiding an experience which supports us to:

1. Recognise our visionary gifts

2. Own our power as co-creator

3. Move forward from protesting to manifesting joyful and successful collaborations.

4. Receive our visions and downloads more deeply, to begin to anchor in creative and practical solutions.

5. Attract everyone and manifest everything we need to bring our New Earth visions and dreams into reality.

This transmission was recorded live as part of our monthly Lemurian Starchild Healing Circle on 02/07/22 and is offered for free by by Leanne Ta’Iki Anawa, Co-creator of the deck, Visionary Artist, Lemurian Healer & Clinical Psychologist.

You can watch the full 90 minute group healing session at:

‘Being the Bridge’ is also the title of Leanne’s art exhibition for 2022. More details of the event and the readings available on our website here:

Don’t forget to ‘Like and Subscribe’ to our YouTube channel 🫶🏼

Lemurian Love and Sparkling Blessings, Leanne and Michiel xx

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