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New Workshop: Thurs April 25th 2019

Updated: Apr 2, 2024

Michiel and I are excited to offer a full day workshop with Refreshments, Light Lunch and Evening Ceremony at the Chalice Well Meeting Room and Gardens this Spring! 

The focus will be on ‘Going Beyond Twin Flame Seeking and Relating from Inner Fulfilment’.

Are you confused about the Twin Flame idea?

Are you in 'separation' from or seeking for ‘The One’?

Have you felt yourself to be on a Twin Flame path but feel lost now?

Would you like to feel completely at Peace and find Joy within your own Heart? This state attracts the right relationships through making Heart Connections before you even meet the person in the physical world.

In this workshop we aim to offer safe non-judgemental space to explore and share your experiences on this deeply personal topic. We seek to support you in going beyond identities of victimhood, emptiness or shutdown. You will be supported to recognise and feel your own wholeness and that you can choose to let beloveds into your life who complement your Heart, while you are both complete and fulfilled within. This creates a beautiful dance, beyond karmic cycles, of two people who are in their Truth and Integrity; a romance without needing to seek outside of oneself.

The day will consist of a mixture of: * Guided Meditation and Sound Healing * Group Exercises (and Sharing if you feel called to) * Drawing cards from the Lemurian Starchild Oracle card deck * Private Evening Ceremony in the Chalice Well Garden

The abundance exchange is £99, or £66 concession rate for those on a low income. 

To find out more and to book your place, please visit  

Michiel Kroon, workshop organiser, is a Visionary, Channel, Writer, Physicist and Pleiadian Artist. 

Co-host Dr Leanne Carpenter is a Visionary Artist, Higher Self and Soul Portrait Reader, Master of Lemurian Healing and Clinical Psychologist.

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All Text & Art © Michiel kroon & Leanne Ta'iki Anawa, Glastonbury, UK

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Please note:

1. 'Healing' is defined as a realization of your Inner Wholeness.

2. The information, products and services on this website do not replace medical care or medical treatment.

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