Leanne and Michiel

Jan 2, 20193 min

Wow! Lots of news!

Greetings Beautiful One! Happy New Year!

Thank you for being here, for signing up to our site and for supporting us as we birth the Lemurian Starchild Oracle out into the world.

We are so excited for the time (not long away) when we see the Oracle Cards in your fair hands and being used for the highest good of all.

This is what it’s all about. The deck, book and all the downloads have come through us to reach you and everyone who is on this ascension journey towards greater and greater mastery and consciousness. Who are committed to reconnecting with, embodying and consciously co-creating with their Source Self.

It’s not long now.

We are finalising some aspects of our order, including the size of it, with some really great printers in China and then the decks will be making their way by sea to us here in the UK, where we will then send them out to you, with a signed thank you card or signed box if you prefer.

As you may have seen already if you’re on Facebook, we have just launched a month long 'Kickstarter' campaign in order to gather pledges, so that we can get a lot more copies printed. These campaigns offer you a choice of rewards, such as the deck and other goodies, such as readings and prints. There is a range of options, from £5 for a digital print, to a wholesale pledge of £333 pounds, or you can also pledge to donate £1 there. It all helps! The pledge is only paid when we reach our goal of £2222. The deadline for pledges is 02/02/19 at 22:22 gmt. Please help us to reach our goal.

Why are we doing the Kickstarter campaign?

Raising more pre-orders and pledges could make a really big difference on the retail price for a copy of the cards and the book. Everyone who pledges there or who pre-orders here will receive the final lowest possible retail price, we guarantee that.


We would also like to invite you to come forward if you’d like to be part of a gentle broadcast where we chat and interview you about what you do, and then do a free reading for you with the deck, either on zoom or in person if you’re nearby! This will be for up to an hour and shared on Facebook and YouTube.

We will create and set intentions for sacred space for this reading and we trust that our and your guides won’t go anywhere with your reading that you don’t feel comfortable to share online. Listen to your intuition to see if this feels right for you. If the answer is yes, please contact us now as we have limited slots available.


if you’d like to watch the story behind the creation of this Oracle card deck, then please take a look at our hour long video, illustrated by many previews of the cards and book. It tells you about:

  • How Michiel and I started creating the deck together.

  • The beautiful new paradigm 5D+ energies which wanted to be expressed in the deck, and their origins.

  • Our creative and healing process and some of the visions preceding the artwork.

  • What the deck can offer you as you expand your consciousness and horizons.

  • Some of the layouts from the book.

So don’t forget! Please contact us as soon as possible if you feel guided to have a genuinely FREE, gentle, relaxed and honouring Reading with the Lemurian Starchild Oracle deck.

Thank you so much for reading, watching and pledging! Happy New Year!

Loads and loads of Lemurian Love,

Leanne and Michiel xxxx

#settingintentions #NewEarth #spiritualreading
