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Cosmic Conversation with Anrita Melchizedek - Friday 30th Nov

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

New Earth Cosmic Conversations

Greetings Lemurian Star Family, 🌟🐬💛🌸

We have been invited to co-host on a telewebinar summit New Earth Cosmic Conversations with Anrita Melchizedek & Friends this Friday November 30th at 8am PT, 11am ET and 4pm GMT via Zoom and Facebook Live.

New Earth Cosmic Conversations is a platform of sharing, connecting, teaching and coming together as One Heart and One Love, in Community and Unity.

This show is a wonderful way to connect with one another as the Light Tribe, the wayshowers and gate keepers to this sacred earth, as we step into the next level of our Service work and Soul's blossoming, magnificence and Light.

We would be delighted to have you join us on New Earth Cosmic Conversations via Facebook Live (also go here for replay!) or Zoom. You can also catch up with all the speakers on the Facebook event's page.

Divine Love - a poem

The Lemurian heart seeded by the Pleiadians giving birth to higher frequencies of love. The stars calling you to dive deeply with the Whales and the Dolphins. The Milky Way rejoicing on it's axis to see you spread your angelic wings. The whole universe loving you to be your whole self.

We are in times of great signs and wonders. It is a time of angels and humans living side by side. We are spotting the Heavenly shores after what seems like millennia of being on the sea of Samsara. Now is the time to follow the pure light of your Heart and to step onto the glittering New Earth.

The Pleiadian Starseed from the heavens travelling through the ether.... Transmitting the frequency of loving life-energy. Activating the time capsules of quantum evolution. Walking side by side with the humans of light.

We are in times of remembrance. The Lemurian Pleiadian presence has never left your side. Now is the time to re-member: to fully embody and integrate your Lemurian Star self.

Blessings and much Love,

Leanne and Michiel xxx

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