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Herkimer Diamond Pendant

Herkimer Diamond Pendant

Huge Herkimer Diamond, wrapped in Silver-Filled Wire by me, Leanne. 

Silver-filled wire has a layer of silver that is hundreds of times thicker than silver-plating.

Herkimer Diamonds from

Herkimer Diamonds emanate the brightest crystal Light, purifying one's energy field and attuning to the Divine. They carry the grace of a constant, almost subliminal connection to higher spiritual domains, even to the point of drawing angels to its pure etheric radiance. [Simmons, 196] Herkimers have also been credited with enticing fairies.

Because of their high vibrational frequency, Herkimer Diamonds may stimulate clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, and may assist in prescience or telepathic communication. [Melody, 319] They are extremely useful for vivid dreams and dream recall, and may be used to recover past life information. [Eason, 136][Hall, 142]

Herkimers are powerful tools for astral travel, dimensional shifting and other explorations into expanded reality. Grids with large Herkimer Diamonds are used to create dimensional doorways, their internal structure making them ideal for both sending and receiving energy. They provide power and assistance when establishing vortices for Earth healing or sacred space, and are suitable for electrical or magnetic vortex grids. [Ahsian, 197]

Because of its powerful otherworldly energies, Herkimer is not a stone for children or animals. Carrying Herkimer or wearing as jewelry for prolonged periods may cause disorientation in some individuals. [Eason, 136]

Herkimer Diamond assists in meditation by clearing the body-mind system and allowing for total relaxation and expansion of the Life energy. It opens the higher chakras and helps one to remain focused on the meditative state. [Melody, 319][Ahsian, 197]
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    All Text & Art © Michiel kroon & Leanne Ta'iki Anawa, Glastonbury, UK

    ISBN: 9781916029200 (box set) / 9781916029217 (e-book)

    Please note:

    1. 'Healing' is defined as a realization of your Inner Wholeness.

    2. The information, products and services on this website do not replace medical care or medical treatment.

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