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Hand Finished Canvas 40x30cm Whale Family of Glastonbury Tor

Hand Finished Canvas 40x30cm Whale Family of Glastonbury Tor

A vision, fresh from the inner worlds of co-creation, a magical gathering of light beings, clearing space for a sparkling new dimensional gateway to the Beauteous Light of Love on Glastonbury Tor. 

Below, a whale of Blue holds space for it all in the depths of an inner ocean of Consciousness. Above, a whale of Stars carries all who are participating in co-creating the New Earth.

This artwork, is the product of many gatherings of Light, of many pure hearts and minds surrendering to the flow of Source Love, in celebration and gratitude as we unwrap and recognise the gifts of our birthrights. Especially thanks go to Caroline, my Blue Whale Star Sister of Light 🐋.

Thank you to all the Beings who love us from our Light Families and who are supporting us to manifest the New Paradigm.

Also available as a 🌟HAND FINISHED 🌟canvas print in the following sizes:

40*30cm = £44.44 includes postage
80*60cm = £77.77 includes postage
100*75cm = £111.11 includes postage
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    All Text & Art © Michiel kroon & Leanne Ta'iki Anawa, Glastonbury, UK

    ISBN: 9781916029200 (box set) / 9781916029217 (e-book)

    Please note:

    1. 'Healing' is defined as a realization of your Inner Wholeness.

    2. The information, products and services on this website do not replace medical care or medical treatment.

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