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Gallery Sitting: Inner Child Healing Reading

Gallery Sitting: Inner Child Healing Reading

A One Hour reading with Leanne in Glastonbury.

This 1 hour reading is in person. It takes 1 hour. Start times: 1pm, 2pm or 3pm only.


Please contact Leanne to book (details in the document you receive upon completing checkout).


I believe our Higher Selves shine a homing beacon which entrains our energies upwards and if we are open and receptive, we can be guided home to a full awareness of our deepest nature - Divine Love and Unity.


Sometimes we need assistance to recognise the feel of our own Higher Self however and this is a part of what this reading with me can offer you.


Through Christ Consciousness (the loving connection between us all at the level of the divine) I make a direct connection with your own beautiful Higher Self, which shines before me.


In my readings the connection is not only with your higher self - your Source or God Self and your Light Body (the qualities of love and light you carry forward and develop through this and each of your incarnations), but I am also shown any stuck places in your Energy field, samskaras (old patterns) from past lives which will very likely be being experienced in your present timeline, visible to me in your Akashic records.


Your Higher Self will tailor the reading to this moment in your life and offer you the information for the next steps in your journey. It is not just Soul level blocks from past lives that can be shown to me; sometimes I'm shown gifts and helpful aspects of your self from beyond time and space which have been unrecognised, so that you can remember them and they can come forward in your life.


Your reading will carry the loving, healing and abundant energies of Source of course!

For this reading, I use our Lemurian Starchild Oracle which we brought through from Spirit to support your unique crystalline embodiment and expression, on our beautiful Ascending Earth. I will sit in sacred space and channel your reading, using the cards for guidance and clarification, especially in the following areas:


This spread is ideal for those who are in a deep healing process. It is different from the Lemurian Starchild reading - the advantage of this spread is that you can draw from the full deck, including ‘Children of Lemuria’ cards.

a) A reminder of your pristine Source self and origins.

b) The wounded aspect.

c) How you survived. This can be old patterns you are ready to let go of.

d) How you’re being affected in the present by the wound and patterns of survival.

e) Guidance for your healing and growth.

f) Something you need to know to help you let go of the wound.

g) The gifts you are going to bring through as a result of the process.



Please be aware that all an intuitive reading can do is provide you with information on what energies surround your life situation and suggested actions and areas to focus on, sometimes possible future outcomes. You must always be aware that Your future is exactly that, Your future and it is in Your control. Only you can change it and shape it to what you want. A reading is a beautiful and powerful tool that gives you vision and ideas to create the future you desire but only YOU can create it.



All readings are done within my sacred space and with the utmost respect for your well-being. All your details and reading information is kept confidential. If you give a review or feedback, your feedback may be used anonymously for promotional purposes. If you would prefer your feedback remains confidential, please let me know.


DISCLAIMER:All readings are done specifically for the querent and cannot be done on behalf of a third party. I am obliged by Law to state that your reading is for entertainment or experimental purposes. PLEASE SEE FEEDBACK EXAMPLES BELOW.


"Dear Leanne
I just wanted to get in touch to express my heartfelt gratitude to you. You did a beautiful soul portrait for me on Saturday at the healing weekend.
I had read that as part of the awakening process each light worker is activated  by another, like a domino process, to shine their lights out into the world. For along time I have been waiting for this to happen, and I'm ecstatic to say that after my time with you and following the guidance of my soul that you gave me, I'm awake and feel amazing. I'm so excited to see where this change takes me, thank you so much!
Love & light
Kelly x"

" I had a 'soul portrait' created by Leanne at the Healing Weekend this year and it was very special to me on my journey of awakening. Leanne was very gentle with the insights she gave to me but also powerful and without deflection from the truth that was being asked of her to tell. Her art work is incredible, I Iook at the portrait daily with joy and find comfort in it's knowledge. I would highly recommend working with Leanne as being in the presence of her tact and skill is an unmissable experience. Louise"

" I had a soul portrait all so at the Healing weekend by Leanne. I can't say any better that what Louise had said all ready I totally agree thank you Leanne you are an amazing woman xx "

"I had the most beautiful soul reading with Leanne ,she is a beautiful lady with a beautiful soul xxxx"

"Leanne is truly are an amazing artist, reader and channel to, all her artwork is truly divine, I am so truly grateful, Thank you Leanne the reading & artwork is lovely & beautiful, thank you for sharing and shining all that is true, and thank you for shining & sharing all that is you.... she truly is a gift to the world"

"Hello Leanne
Very interesting reading that I am still thinking about. I can't stop looking at her because she does seem familiar in a strange way...some of your thoughtful words are so insightful and accurate, uncannily so. I am totally intrigued and maybe will start connecting to things in a different way now. .... I am totally stunned and I would say this is life changing....I am very pleasantly lost for words right now!! I don't know what I was expecting but I truly believe that star being is me...Thank you from the bottom of my heart are so talented. ...Thanks so much"

"I was showing my friend from Newcastle my soul portrait, she picked up on the fact it looks a bit like my daughter, but thought it was really 'me' in a nutshell!!!! She is coming to Devon and is looking forward to your workshop!!! Love and many blessings" xx"

"...your work should be seen...its wonderful.... Much love and hugs (((( xxx))))"

"I would like to say thank you so much for your kindness and your guidance , meant so much to me and lifted my soul ! You are a such a wonderful , kind person Leanne ! And I am so blessed to have met you on my life path ! .... xx"

"Dearest Leanne, thank-you so much for my very beautiful pendant, I love it and already had compliments on my Goddess at the henna workshop. Also a very big thank-you for the most gorgeous soul portrait, I was quite blown away by the beautiful energy emanating from it. You are so talented and such a kind and gentle soul, bless you for all that you do. .... I will put a photo up on FB when I get a chance. Take care. Love, light & blessings to you x💞🌲🍂🌺x "

"Hi Leanne, ...... I think your picture is just simply beautiful, you have such an amazing talent! So thank you very much 😊 I was wondering if you would be able to repeat what you said yesterday regarding the picture as I would absolutely love to write it down for future reference 😊 Again, a HUGE thank you and it was so lovely to meet you. Take care x"

"💜😇🌟Leanne you have so much Vibrant and calming energy, you are a beautiful person, I am amazed how we connected😘 thank you for my beautiful amazing picture it's wonderful xxx💜🌟🌟😇"

"Thank you so much for my beautiful picture, I can't wait to put it in my healing room. It was lovely to meet you in person as you have a wonderful amazing energy about you. I hope you have success in all your endeavors and look forward to seeing you again hopefully in April. xxx"

"Amazing love & light Leanne brings into her portraits. xx "

"Absolutely Amazing!! <3 Thank you so so much, am so pleased, Love it!! Wonderful working with you, divine energy xxX~ <3 ~ Xxx Just brilliant Xx"

"Hi Leanne. Wanted to contact you to say that I have felt so good after your healing. Significantly so. You healed a lot of the inner child and it was so marked. I don't feel that pit in the stomach anymore. I don't feel like I am at the bottom of the well anymore. It's like you filled it in with something solid and I can climb out. When I look at the picture you did for me it helps me to connect to the inner priestess and higher realms. I just want to thank you so much for what you did for me I am very grateful. Warm wishes R.N. xx
Every time I look at her face she inspires me x
That's why I find it amazing. Because I can feel and pick up on the higher energy it radiates xx
I have never come across such strong energy like that in a picture xx"

You have such a gift...i will always treasure the picture you did for me deeply in my heart 💛💛 D.W.

I feel soo beautifully emotional after reading this Leanne and the image I see feel is me wow. I'll connect and read it again before bed and come back to you as I feel there is alot to filter through. My heart is pumping so loud lol Blessings and thank you. 💕 Hi Leanne Thank you for the link for the book. I've ordered it so I'm looking forward to reading this. There were so many things in the reading that resonated deeply for me. You touched on sooo many aspects of self and I truly felt this to the core of my being. Iv always had a connection to Mother Earth and the elementals and have some amazing pictures I took a few years ago clearly revealing fairies guardian of a portal and soo many more. Your image and the green background felt like home to me.When you said the words All is well my whole being felt a sort of surrenderin g like I'd never felt before and I became very emotional. I have Brought through an energy vibration called the "Fragments of who we are" and about 40!! "Creation of LOVE" Templates with alot of information on them but as yet I'm not feeling there full potency. I'm feeling Reconnecting to my Elven star family will trigger more memories for me. I am co-creating with another as we share the same vision which is truly exciting. I am sure there was more the share with you but that's all I remember lol. Thank you beautiful SiStar. For your gift and pure connection. Blessings Amanda 💕

Dear Leanne ....You are so incredibly talented and wonderful Leanne. I wish I could give you a very big hug xxx Thankyou sister of my heart x you have amazing gifts xxx Thankyou for your confidence too x ....Your reading makes such perfect sense and I will be referring back to it to let it sink in deeply. As it goes deep. You have given me so much to work with I am truly grateful for this depth which my soul needed to realise...also releasing the timeline that I have held within for lifetimes that kept repeating this pattern.'s all falling onto place's can't thank you enough xxx Bless you 💙💙💙💙 Feel so grateful 💜💜💜 Take care and I will pay your postage when you advise on price xxx Lots of love 


 Ps I can't stop looking at my portrait. She is so beautiful she brings tears to my eyes xxx you are so talented xxx


Dear Leanne. Thank you so very much for taking your time and energy to do my wonderful reading and beautiful portrait. The moment I looked at the portrait, this aspect of my higher self came forward and embraced me in a tight hug, it felt wonderful. Your reading is spot on. I have not long come out of an 18 year abusive relationship. I could not get out of it, as i feared for my safety. its silly, but when you are being abused, you feel safer to stay within it, than take that leap and walk away. I had nothing, and was homeless with my two autistic boys and my young daughter. i wanted to give up, as he tormented me and the children awfully, it was handled eventually with police and court. but it has taken time for myself to overcome the shock and such long treatment. i did not have supportive family, and so coped on my own. But i am strong, and got through it all, went back to college and gained more qualifications to get work and support my family. I now enjoy living in a wonderful home in the countryside near to where i grew up. I have to be within nature, it feels very important to my soul. my light enjoys shining amoung the trees, plants and flowers. where as in the city where i was living, i close my energy down. about three months after getting out of the abuse i was living within, my conscious/voice channelling stepped forward. the ascended masters and archangels provided me with healing meditations, and they have helped me clear much trauma. I am now far more confident and started my youtube channel with my conscious channelling and am now channelling a book from the angelic consciousness. I love my channelling so much, but keep it secret from my family. they are mostly doctors/nurses and very scientific/logical based. I tend to now ignore them, i never felt connected with my family. feel like the odd one out. I do have a very close connection with Jesus, mary and magdeline. I often see within my mind the very hot day of the crucifixion, Jesus keeps telling me to let it go lol. I do feel a combination of energies within myself - fairy, atlantean, lemurian, elven, angelic, star consciousness. I feel that my soul needs to connect to all of these energies at once. it seems important for some reason. like it is impossible to only choose one. lol. i am all of them lol. please do share the portrait. may i add the picture to my website homepage and dedicate to your beautiful work? I fully understand if you would prefer to decline. again i thank you kindly for your very talented work, it has very much been of support. namaste x

Dear Leanne. I've just got your message and it's wonderful - feels very powerful. I love the flower/sun at my throat in the painting. That is strong. I shall meditate with the image and what you were given. A lot of it really resonates. Thank you so much beautiful one. Very healing. Lots of love and hugs to you Linda xx

Dear Leanne, thank you so much fir my portrait, wow, how amazing is your gift! I need to read and sit with it...the carpet stuff is very interesting as we lived near Glastonbury in a bungalow that was damp and an dear old lady had lived there! We have recently moved to Stafford where we were in temp accommodation which was also damp! Fortunately the house we are now rentiing is not damp and surrounded by first Cannock Chase where I feel the rejuvenating etc you mentioned will happen..I also have a diffuser, and make and take flower essences. I will connect again with you Leanne and let you know what comes forward..I am very happy for you to share my beautiful portrait and I will write a testimonial. Look forward to receiving original as and when you are back in the UK to post...much love Leanne and thank you so much xxx xxx

Dear Leanne Thank you. Amazing. Very happy. My son is moving to Italy in July. I play tibetan and crystal singing bowls and did a bit of voice work a few years ago but have been wanting to do a course on voice in June but at the moment my financial situation is preventing it as there has been a very big change in the last few months. I have been wanting to email them to see if there will be another before the end of the year. So this has definitely prompted me to do so. . Did you pick up anything on Mary magdalene at all? Love the painting. You are very gifted Leanne.

Thank you for the reading. You were amazing as always. Spot on. I do feel he needs to speak up more and make his own choices not just go along with mine. He was blown away by how much you got right. Have a wonderful day with your parents and hopefully see you sometime. Xxxx (PC re SC - August 2016)



💖😊 Aww that is amazing, thank you so much for that. There is so much resonance with the reading, I have many connections and flashes of Egyptian times but not fully knowing all detail, yet only to embody certain aspects. There are so many elements in the reading that are becoming more relevant at this time, as things and energies start to shift and change. I thank you so much for your guidance, insight and support. Wow the picture, the eyes first of all, started to take me somewhere, but I need to spend time with this and connect on a deeper level. The pureness that radiates, lovely. You mentioned about sending it through email, that would be great if you don't mind, my email Once again thank you for sharing your amazing gifts, just what I needed at this time. Love and light x


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