Well of Dreams
Healing circle date:
Sunday 26 January 2025
Type of meeting
Interactive Zoom Broadcast

Introduction by Leanne and Michiel
- Clearing the Well of Dreams (clearing of unconscious)
- Letting go of collective ‘Hollywood movies’ narratives.
- Quickening of manifestation: heightened awareness needed.
- How real can a dream be?
- Zeal point and causal chakra.
- The unconscious can feel more real through trauma processing.
- The shell of the turtle as metaphor for trauma.
- We get increased inner clarity through a clear well of dreams.
Guided meditation, and a message from the Lemurian dimension, by Michiel (starts at 13minutes into the video)
- Receive geometric codes of light and love.
- Conscious dreaming in well of dreams.
- Allow old energies to release.
- Signs and opportunities to let go.
- Allow the universe to guide you.
- Let go of comfort zone, explore a whole new world of love and ascension.
- Significance of the Lemurian Starchild Oracle.
- Receive Lemurian energies, connect with Lemurian guides.
- Enter the Lemurian dimension, the natural state of being.
- Living in harmony with each another.
- Embrace all aspects, able to let go.
- Christ Consciousness.
- Letting go of attachment.
- Etheric dreaming in the Lemurian dimension.
- The Lemurian dimension is always pure. Energies are very connected and loving. Using this as a foundation for a project is great for alignment and abundance.
- Connect etheric beings: elven beings, dragons, unicorns, plant realm.
- Seeing new manifestations come to live, expressing the Lemurian dimension, radiating outward.
- Dreaming and imagining are closely linked, they are aspects of our inner freedom. Imagine new pathways of light, allow them to unfold before your eyes.
- Allow the Lemurian dimension to come into fruition, beyond limitations imposed by society.
- The longing for our voice to be free, and how light language helps to free your voice and your heart.