Lemurian Shaman
Healing circle date:
Sunday, 28 February 2021
Type of meeting
Interactive Zoom Broadcast
The Lemurian Shaman can help us to connect to deep layers within, to bring in nurturing energies of wholeness.
In the introductory meditation, we connect with our Heart. We allow energies to flow into aspects that don't feel whole, knowing that we are whole in our essence. We allow our Light Family to assist us, and receive beautiful drumming from Leanne. We allow everything to be as it is.
We make a discernment between aspects that don't belong to us, and inner aspects that we can embrace. We don't go into our thinking to do this, we connect with our Heart. The Angels take us by the hand to go into deeper dimensions.
We can connect with the plant and animal realms, and feel the presence of Angels. We allow ourselves to be safe, loved and guided by Archangel Michael. We are invited to allow all of our expression.
We allowing everything to be reDivined, or redefined by the Divine. This means letting go of the charge of our old Identity and seeing ourself as our true identity, a flow of Love.