Family of Light
Healing circle date:
Sunday 8 December 2019
Type of meeting
Interactive Zoom Broadcast
Family of Light
We explore the loving support from our Family of Light, our spiritual guides. In this particular circle, we do this mostly through experiencing the energies, and by sharing our experiences in the group, rather than following our Healing Circle Structure in a linear way.
We start with a meditation, channeled from Archangel Michael, who takes us in the multidimensional realms. This helps us to receive the loving reassurance and opens doors to seeing new possibilities and connections. We then receive Pleiadian light language which helps us to connect the multidimensional and physical realms by raising our vibration.
Group conversation
This is the first ever Zoom call from the healing circle, in which we got to know each other for the first time.
First we talk about blessing our water for purification, and bringing in light language to do so. We then go into ways to remind ourself to be present, and particular experiences from this meditation. We also reflect on nature and elemental beings, and why we can experience their realms more easily at some times, whilst they don't seem to show themselves as much at other times.
We also explore light language by sharing our experiences about it in this group and in other groups, and by singing light language together.
In the last 30 minutes we draw cards for the participants which leads to interesting information.