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Divine Masculine

Healing circle date:

Sunday 20 December 2020

Type of meeting

Live Video Broadcast

Divine Masculine
Structure of the Healing Circle
Divine Masculine

Divine Masculine

The Divine Masculine is an aspect of the Divine, signifying an integration of the Divine Feminine and Masculine. It is about being strong but able to be vulnerable at the same time. It is not a polarized opposite of the Feminine.

In this Healing Circle, we shine light on misconceptions of the Divine Masculine and align with the truth by receiving divine energy. We allow our heart to be nurtured. This allows us to come into mastery and empowerment.

We start with an introductory meditation from Archangel Michael. We use our breath to let go of old energy and attune to the New Paradigm. The angels assist us in this process. We look at how hooks from the collective can operate in our field, and we clear our energy from them.

We then look at the meaning of fear and survival, and how to let go of the old paradigm. We use our discernment, and techniques that can help us to stay clear of dense energies from the collective. All of this guidance can help to come into mastery of our energy field.

We also talk about finding our passion and going beyond valuing the judgment of others. We be in our heart even if others don’t like how we express from there at first. Ultimately they will feel the love when we open our heart.

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