Healing circle date:
Sunday 12 January 2020
Type of meeting
Live Video Broadcast

We talk about manifestation through accessing our creator consciousness and bringing it into the physical realms. We let go of obstacles such as mental emotional density and belief systems, to allow the energy from our higher self to freely flow into our body.
The card is a 'comet of creation', an energy that comes in from the cosmos to give us inspiration.
To start the introductory meditation bring in the energy of Angelic beings, Pleiadian beings of light. Leanne, who is not on the screen, supports us energetically by bringing in Lemurian guides. In a guided channeled meditation, we bring in healing for the lower chakra's through light language.
I read from the guidebook about the story of the comet of creation to go into the deeper meaning of the card. Playfulness, joy and spontaneity are an important part of this
We then do a guided healing meditation for the collective in which we let light flow through the whole world, to bring everything into harmony. You can receive much healing light language. Is this meditation we also look at the world through the eyes of a newborn, to see the divinity in everything.
Another theme that comes up in relation to the collective is the joy and blessing of shining our light. We tune in to the energy of this together.
In the last 5 minutes we draw some cards for our healing circle members who are watching.